Sandra Stern
- Positon: Partner, Retired
- Practice Areas: Commercial Law
- Location: 43 West 43rd Street Suite 125 New York, NY 10036
- Phone: 212-207-8150
- Fax: 212.223.3406
- Email: SSternLaw@aol.com
- Massachusetts; Minnesota; New York
- U.S. District Court, District of Minnesota;
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit
Law School:
- Harvard Law School, LL.B.
- Goucher College, B.A., highest honors
- The Association of the Bar of the City of New York (Member, Committee on Uniform State Laws, 1999 to date);
- New York State Bar Association (Chair, Business Law Section, 1998-1999);( Chair, Banking Law Committee of Business Law Section, 1990-1994);
- New York County Lawyers’ Association (Chair, Banking Law Committee, 1986-1989);
- New York State Bankers Association (Member, Lawyers Advisory Committee on Legislation and Regulation, 1990-1993).
In private practice (Nordquist & Stern PLLC) since 1994, concentrating in commercial finance, including secured transactions and letters of credit, loan participations, and electronic commerce issues. Ms. Stern counsels commercial banks and nonbank lenders as well as corporate borrowers.
Previously: Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Banco Santander, 1993-1994. First Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Republic National Bank of New York, 1980-1993. Previously, inside counsel for Bradford Trust Company, Depository Trust Company, and New York State Banking Department.
Author of treatises:
- Author: “Structuring and Drafting Commercial Loan Agreements”, LexisNexis (updated annually)
- “Structuring Loan Participations,” (currently out of print)
- Commissioner from New York to the Uniform Law Commission, 1992 to present (life member);
- Drafting Committee to Revise Uniform Commercial Code Article 5, Letters of Credit
- Drafting Committee to Revise Uniform Commercial Code Article 7, Documents of Title,
- Drafting Committee to Revise Uniform Commercial Code Article 9, Secured Transactions, (2001 and 2010 revisions);
- Drafting Committee on Uniform Money Services Act,
- Chair, Study Committee on Payment Systems, and
- Uniform Commercial Code Committee
- Drafting Committee, Uniform Commercial Code and Emerging Technologies
Expert Witness Testimony in:
Subaru Distributors Corp. v. Subaru of America, Inc., United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 98 Civ. 5566, 2002 Westlaw 413808, March 18, 2002; In re CRIIMI MAE INC., et. al., United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Maryland, Bankruptcy Case No. 98-2-3115-DK; BNP Paribas Mortgage Corp. v. Bank of America, N.A., and Deutsche Bank AG v. Bank of America, N.A., United State District Court, Southern District of New York, 09 Civ. 9784, and related case, Natixis Financial Products LLC v. Bank of America, N.A., Civ. Act. No.10-CV-3656-RWS; Motors Liquidation Company Avoidance Action Trust v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, N. A. et. al., Case No.: 09-00504 (MG), S.D.N.Y.
- American College of Commercial Finance Lawyers, 1995 to date.
What Lawyers Need to Know About UCC Article 9: Secured Transactions, PLI, Chair 2000-2010, Panelist 2000-2016.